Bug: Single Story Multiple Submissions

Posted by damnedviper | | 0 comments »

Today i tried to add the widget to the bottom of the articles for my blog. After adding the code snippet next to the digg button, i tested that whether it is working or not. After submitting it to reddit, i refreshed the page but found the same link in the widget saying submit this to reddit. I again submitted but no change. After submitting it for three times, i finally concluded that there is some bug in the reddit engine which is allowing to post multiple submissions for a single link which should not be the case as stated here:

if the site has not been submitted yet, clicking on the button will take the user to a reddit submit page, otherwise it takes them to the comments page.

My submissions are as follow:

In short, one can have multiple headline and for a single story and can have more and more exposure. So it is more and more prone to spam. Lets see when reddit staff gets it corrected

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