Perform RealTime Search in Google

Posted by damnedviper | | 0 comments »

This nice little hack has been discovered by Omgili's CEO Ran Geva in which a Google user can specify the timeframe for your search results. Traditionally, you can specify your search with last updated within option which is not that diverse. But conversely, with this trick you can also perform an almost real time search.

This is basically just the understanding of the format of the search url. There is a term QDR in search url indicating the time frame and is supposedly abbreviated as Query Date Range. The letter next to it specifies days (‘d’), minutes (‘n’) or seconds (‘s’). You can also add digits next to minutes and seconds to specify the interval. For instance,

Google Hack

The url will display results of post regarding iPhone updated in last 24 hours. If we replace ‘d’ it with s30, it will display the results updated in last 30 seconds. This is quite close to a real time searching.

Source Google Search Hack: Specifying timeframe for search results

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Wordpress Cheat Sheet for Developers

Posted by damnedviper | | 0 comments »

I came across a nice cheat sheet for wordpress theme editing and developing. It contains and explains the file structure, files associated with themes, looping instructions etc. This cheat sheet is created by Ekin Ertac. For convenience, i have made an image format for the pdf file. Hopefully it will be helpful.

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Befriending in Social Media

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With all the different types of social media websites out there, the way we make friends has been evolved. Have a look at the picture below to have some idea:

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President Bush Farewell Dinner

Posted by damnedviper | | 1 comments »

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Next Generation Movies

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Here are few remakes of some of the famous movies.

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Why there are no Candid Camera Pranks in Russia?

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This video demonstrates the reason.

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Israel's Genocide of the Innocent Palestinian Kids

Posted by damnedviper | | 0 comments »

WARNING: The contents of this post contain some really disturbing images. Reader discretion advised.
I have got a mail from my friend regarding the horrific genocide and war crimes committed by Israelies. Here is how it goes:

The people of South Africa wish to bring the Zionist Israeli Government to book by bringing criminal charges of Genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity in the International Court of Justice in the Hague
Please sign the petition by clicking on the below link:
US backed Israel fighting Palestinians is like Transformers fighting Flintstones.

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Official Google Blog: 100,000th knol published

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Official Google Blog: 100,000th knol published

Well I have always admired the pace of work at Google. They are so quick at adopting and changing things that it really makes you sense a teamwork at a very large scale. Yet again they are flourishing with leaps and bounds at Knol.

This is indeed a challenge for Google to compete against already established Wikipedia. With millions of pageviews per day wikipedia is considered as an authority. It contains lots of lots of good and worthy information with citations and references. Now in order to shift people to Knol, Google has to have a very attractive offer for the mass. Although the name Google itself is very compelling but still much more is required to make people come and visit Knol.

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