Explode Your Adsense Profits In 7 Days Or Less

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Explode Your Adsense Profits In 7 Days Or Less

How would you like to increase your adsense profits, almost triple fold, in just 7days or less? Well it is possible if you are willing to work at it.
Here is how.

The very first thing you need to do is find a niche with a lot of traffic. Simple thing if you know the basic human needs. Think about how many people will love to learn to improve their health, or how many people visit dating sites or weight loss as a good instance. Those are niches with high volume traffic. That’s the kind of niche you need to think up.

I recommend you pencil about 3 of such niches to start with, then begin to create an “adsense train”. An adsense train is simply a bunch of stand-alone sites targeted at high volume traffic.
The easiest way to build such a site is to setup a blog and that’s what we will stick to. So go to a place like http://blogger.com or http://wordpress.com and setup a blog.

Now, if you can write articles for those niches, go ahead and write a couple of articles and post them on your blog plus submit them to article directories across the web. If you can’t write, hire someone to do it at a place like freelancewriting.com

Finally, go to google and setup an adword campaign to advertise your blog and let it run for a couple of days. The purpose is to allow google to pick up your blog quickly. After a few days, you can decide to turn it off.

Now to make it dead simple. Just locate good articles written by others and post it to your blog weekly at places like http://articlejoint.com, http://ezinearticles.com
Just do this whole process for 3 to 7 niches and watch your adsense profits shoot through the roof almost overnight.

Ooops, I forgot to tell you to include your adsense codes on those blogs of yours!

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